Why Storyblocks
Unbeatable savings
Our subscription model gives you way more content for your money. We offer a flexible plan for every budget.
Royalty free footage
All of our royalty free stock footage content can be used multiple times for commercial and personal projects.
Fresh footage content
We’re always adding new content based on what you’re searching for.
Covered forever
Anything you publish during your time as a Storyblocks member will be covered by our license - forever. Your license never expires, so your stories can live on, too.
You can find the footage created through Re:Stock in sets of collections exclusive to Storyblocks as a part of our mission to expand our library to represent all of us and help tell the stories of today and tomorrow.
Pretty much any video project! Stock footage has been used for films, TV, music videos, documentaries, B-roll footage, promo videos, social media, and advertising.
Kickstart your creativity by browsing our top stock footage categories or use the search bar at the top of the page to find stock footage for an even bigger range of topics.
Our footage is also easy to use in a variety of video editing tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and iMovie. This versatility allows you to use stock footage from Storyblocks in a wide range of creative projects.
Storyblocks is dedicated to making stock media simple. That’s why we offer worry-free licensing with the highest level of legal coverage in the industry.
We offer two kinds of licenses: an Individual License - for individuals and a Business License - for teams, small businesses, larger companies, broadcasters, production houses, and agencies.
Anything you download—stock footage, stock images, or stock audio—will be covered by the license associated with an active Storyblocks plan. All of our licenses: Are 100% royalty-free and valid worldwide with no geographic restrictions.
Royalty Free is a type of license that allows the unlimited use of stock footage content for your projects without having to pay royalty fees. All footage, templates, and motion backgrounds are royalty free, and anything you publish during your time as a Storyblocks member will be covered by our license - forever.